About Me

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Eastbourne, East Sussex, United Kingdom
I live for originality and people with something to say. If you have an opinion then we will get on just fine. I appreciate everything I have in life and I've learnt a lot. I'm a happy go lucky, quirky girly and for some reason I like being called Case :] <3

Monday 18 April 2011


  This is a subject that has always baffled me. Sex and Alcohol.

  The laws regarding these two things are, to me, very confusing. For example:
Having sex-
'In the UK and Jersey the age of consent is 16 years old for everyone, whether they want to have sex with someone of the same or opposite sex.' (Taken from www.brook.org.uk)
Drinking alcohol-
'Under 16s

Children under 16 can go anywhere in a pub as long as they are supervised by an adult, but cannot have any alcoholic drinks.
However, some premises may be subject to licensing conditions preventing them from entering, such as pubs which have experienced problems with underage drinking.

16 or 17 years old

Young people aged 16 or 17 can drink beer, wine or cider with a meal if it is bought by an adult and they are accompanied by an adult. It is illegal for this age group to drink spirits in pubs even with a meal.
In Scotland, 16 and 17 year olds can buy beer, wine or cider so long as it's served with a meal and consumed in an area used solely for eating meals.

Under 18 years old

It is against the law for anyone under 18 to buy alcohol in a pub, off-licence, supermarket, or other outlet, or for anyone to buy alcohol for someone under 18 to consume in a pub or a public place.
Some towns and cities have local by-laws banning drinking alcohol in public.' (Taken from http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/)

Who decided that it was okay for someone at the age of 16 to be able to bring a life into this world yet are unable to buy alcohol? Surely both are, in ways, as bad as each other.
 Bringing a child into the world is a huge undertaking and I don't believe it should ever be considered lightly. Yet having a child whilst you are still classified a child in the eyes of the law baffles me.
I believe that the law on sex should be the same age as the buying alcohol law.

  The laws are outdated. Teenage pregnancy is high as is binge drinking. There needs to be a higher level of information given to school students about both subjects. I appreciate that these have been boosted recently but to try and explain that it's okay at 16 to have babies but you can't have a pint down the pub is ridiculous.

It's hard to go into a huge amount of detail without waffling on, but that's my overview on the subject. Does it scare anyone else that this is the state we live in?  Education people!


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