About Me

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Eastbourne, East Sussex, United Kingdom
I live for originality and people with something to say. If you have an opinion then we will get on just fine. I appreciate everything I have in life and I've learnt a lot. I'm a happy go lucky, quirky girly and for some reason I like being called Case :] <3

Sunday 17 April 2011

Programmed Machinery

    I wrote this particular piece a while ago and only recently discovered it! It basically sums up how most lives are pre-determined and we should have the freedom to choose without guilt.

  We are born. Go to school. Take our exams. Go to college. Go to university. Get a job. Get married. Start a family. Grow old. Collect our pension. Die.
  Where's the break away? Our lives are pretty much laid before us from the moment of conception. Our parents have ideas about what they want us to do with our lives before we've even uttered our first word. We have the ability to choose a preferred job etc but what happened to our freedom? We don't need all of these qualifications to have a good life.we need them to get jobs, but is that really true? Why doesn't experience and passion have anything to do with it? I want to show how everything is pretty much pre-determined and how we should all,even in the smallest way,break out and have our freedom. Our own choice to do what we really want as opposed to what we are meant to want.
  Be free, express yourself and don't be afraid to live how you want.
Life should be an opportunity not a routine and I want to show that by finding something that captivates you, it can lead you onto whatever you want.
I am proof of that.
Tradition is past.become the present and future.

Why wait until tomorrow to change,why not today? Shouldn't you live for the moment,live for the thrill?
If you get an idea act upon it rather than watch it waste away. Life is far too short to be wondering 'what if?' what if I'd said this? What if I'd done things differently? Regrets are natural its in our nature but can't you see its better to have lived and tried,than to not have bothered at all?
Everyone goes through hard times, it's how we overcome and deal with them that makes us who we are. Don't forget your past but also don't live in it. You are the present and you will become the future.
Dare to be different. Dare to live. Dare to dream.
Work hard and do your best and if that isn't enough, then just remember, you gave it a go.
There is nothing to lose,only fear.

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