About Me

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Eastbourne, East Sussex, United Kingdom
I live for originality and people with something to say. If you have an opinion then we will get on just fine. I appreciate everything I have in life and I've learnt a lot. I'm a happy go lucky, quirky girly and for some reason I like being called Case :] <3

Saturday 9 April 2011

Pyjama Party

There appears to be a trend emerging that seems to have taken over a small population of young women down here in the southeast of England. Ranging in colour and cut it has become a new statement for laid back chic. A new style to kick the idea of dressing up and glamour into shape. Underwear as outerwear? Yes! A style that could be transported from ladylike and charming, to sexy and seductive within seconds, but pyjamas as evening wear? I am sorry if I offend anyone out there but seriously? Going out in childlike teddy pjs with full make up and perfectly coiffed hair baffles me. I have never known the logic in putting in all that effort for half of a finished look. I appreciate this only ever occurs when popping down the local shop to pick up late night goodies for a night in but even so, the energy put in resulting in only part of a finished look seems pointless.
  Laid back chic is something of an illusive style to grasp. It’s difficult to look relaxed and as though little effort has gone into your finished ensemble, without ending up looking like you’ve got dressed in the dark. Getting the gracefully delicate fabrics to caress your body as though they were just thrown on is an art in itself, yet there is no excuse to give up so easily. All it takes is a comfy pair of trousers or even more simply, a pair of jeans. Team those with a cute t-shirt and your UGG’s, and you’re sorted. Simple as that. No real effort involved and you are able to maintain that elegant dressed down appearance. Every day doesn’t have to be an overly glamorous affair with ball gowns and big hair, yet you should still feel as amazing as you would if it was.

  Fashion is all about expression and imagination. It is almost an instinct that we all possess to make ourselves the best we can be. It can inspire and excite anyone from any walk of life, if you can open up your mind to any possibility then I think you have the opportunity to experience fashion for what it truly is. The industry is full of opinion and there will always be a divide between people on what is acceptable and what isn’t. Unfortunately, I will never be able to condone pyjama wearing as a stable and suitable trend.
  Pyjamas are wonderfully comfortable for those cold, winter nights when you want to snuggle up on the sofa with a hot chocolate and duvet. They supply us with all variations of pattern, cut and shape, and are ideal for lounging about the house. To wear your pyjama bottoms out of the house makes it seem as though you have just forgotten to get fully dressed, or you’ve just rolled out of bed and you’re too lazy to slip on anything else. More than likely, the latter is very true. It’s when I go to my local supermarket late at night and see groups of girls out together in some sort of pyjama like cult scouring the shelves that I begin to wonder; could I get away with it?
  So one Tuesday night I did just that. Braving the elements of the cold, late January night I slipped on a pair of my favourite, lazy girl pyjama bottoms, a t-shirt, thick scarf and slouchy boots. I decided on my 'i heart N.Y' trousers just because I felt safe in the knowledge that unlike my silky polka dot bottoms, they weren’t going to fall down around my ankles at any given moment. So, all suited and booted, almost, hair and make up done, I ventured out. I drove up to my local shop and must have sat outside for a good ten minutes mustering up the courage to get out of the car. How ridiculous! I shouldn’t care what I look like; after all, plenty of girls go out looking like this. Well that’s what I repeated to myself as reassurance at the time! Out I got, out of the car and hurriedly went into the shop. (Let me point out, it was bloody cold and I didn’t intend on catching my death just for a simple experiment!)
            It wasn’t too busy inside but there were a few couples and groups of friends pottering about the aisles. I decided to head for my comfort zone and have a look at the magazines in the hope that no one would be over there and I could build the confidence to go the whole hog and walk out in the open without scurrying by and hiding. Little was I aware, but three members of staff were filling the shelves just behind my magazine rack. Brilliant. They looked over at me as I tried to casually flick through the several articles featured in whatever it was I had picked up. I felt their eyes burning into my back and I’m sure I definitely heard a snigger! Paranoia had started to take over so I moved on to take in the small array of clothes they offered. It made a good start. I was able to bring my embarrassed cheeks back to a more controlled colour; stomach in, shoulders back and head held high and off I went. Strutting is probably the only way to describe it! I thought if I am going to do this I may as well pretend I’ve been blessed with supermodel good looks and can give off an air of self-confidence and grace.
  Yes, people stared and looked me up and down. Yet, it wasn’t as horrifying as I thought it was going to be. After initial glances I was pretty much blanked which in a way annoyed me slightly. Could these people not see the effort I had put in to my clothes selection? Oh no wait, I hadn’t. Feeling a little disgruntled that I wasn’t getting the same amount of attention that I had expected I left the shop and got home feeling slightly more at ease with my clothing choice. Did I feel any clearer on why these girls dressed like this? No. If anything it left me even further away from understanding their logic. Had I learnt anything I could take away with me? Yes. Don’t wear barely any clothes, especially not pyjama bottoms on a freezing cold January night. I clearly don’t have the bravery for that.
  Whether you are for or against the pyjama craze that has swept the sunny southeast, remember this; as long as you are happy with your choices and they don’t harm anyone else, then go ahead. But if you’re going to wear pyjama bottoms out, please bare in mind, you are a respectable adult. I don’t think anymore needs to be said!
   Hugs and happy thoughts.

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