About Me

My photo
Eastbourne, East Sussex, United Kingdom
I live for originality and people with something to say. If you have an opinion then we will get on just fine. I appreciate everything I have in life and I've learnt a lot. I'm a happy go lucky, quirky girly and for some reason I like being called Case :] <3

Friday 8 July 2011


  Well guys I have to say a massive sorry for not blogging in such a long time! As you can see from my previous blog I have now become a carer which has left me with virtually any time to myself so blogging has become difficult! Nevertheless I am here now!

  So lots of stuff has been going on...not only my usual drunken states but also a lot of work and a new flat!

  To make life easier for everyone lol I will update you all bit by bit...so here we go....